Thursday, August 18, 2011


Luke Karlyle Tennant

Born on Tuesday, August 9, 2011 at 2:20 a.m.

7.0 lbs., 19.5 inches long

We named him Luke because we want him to know God's love through Christ and to desire to spread the good news of Jesus like the biblical author of Luke/Acts did.  We also just liked the name Luke.  :)

His middle name is the same as that of his granddad and Uncle Van.  We loved getting to name him after 2 family members!

Paul is the best dad, and loving Luke comes so naturally to him.  I've never been more thankful to live between the VA Hospital and the other downtown hospitals, because Paul tends to make daily pitstops at home these days!

We are so thankful to have such a sweet, easy baby so far (sweet enough to come into the world on his grandmother's birthday!).  God has been abundantly gracious in blessing us with this child. 

Here's a slideshow of some pictures of week 1 of Luke's life.  Undoubtedly, there are many more to come.

Luke Karlyle Tennant -

"I give thanks to you, O Lord my God, with my whole heart,and I will glorify your name forever."

Psalm 86:12

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Love These Kids!

If there could possibly be anything sad about expecting a baby, it would be this (see below).  Today was presumably my last day to teach these precious little ones in Sunday School - at least for a good while.  When I committed to teach these little ones a couple of years ago, the sense of intimidation and inadequacy due to lack of experience in teaching children consumed me.  But these guys have made Sunday School entirely enjoyable!  They come to church every week enthusiastic about learning the Bible, and they joyfully participate in whatever game we play, picture we color, or craft we make.  What a blessing it has been to learn the Bible with these kids!

Here they are with pictures that they made for Baby Tennant whom we hope to bring home from Africa soon!

"A sun and a tooth, Mrs. Sarah!"   Ha!  Very creative!

So sweet and always eager to learn about God!

Love, love, love them..

Precious brother and sister who have so much joy!

Possibly our last picture to take together before we meet little Luke?

I hope to have little ones who are as curious, teachable, and enjoyable as these children are!